Although he originally created comedy sketches, Williams began to play popular horror games such as Five Nights at Freddy's (2014) and Bloodborne (2015) instead. Williams began uploading videos to YouTube in 2009. Numerous other YouTubers voiced their support online, and the video reached No.
As many other videos featuring the same content were not subject to the same restrictions, Williams felt unfairly targeted.
In the video, he recounted an incident where a reviewer, either human or automated, age-restricted his video of the horror game The Mortuary Assistant (2022), thereby lessening his visibility and monetization. On August 24, 2022, Williams uploaded a video onto his channel alleging that 'racism and favoritism' may influence YouTube's review process. As of June 2023, his channel has over sixteen million subscribers. Known for his comedic playthroughs of horror games, Williams was ranked the fourth top creator in the United States in 2021. Williams joined YouTube on April 26, 2009. Cory DeVante Williams (born November 9, 1992), better known online as CoryxKenshin, is an American YouTuber.